Knowledge Bases The Ultimate Guide to Creating Your First Knowledge Base Article Creating your first Knowledge Base article can feel like a giant hurdle. Have no fear—we're here to help you get started. Read on to learn how to go from zero to KB hero.
Knowledge Bases Optimizing Your Knowledge Base Search Discover tips for optimizing Knowledge Base searches. Learn how categorizing a Knowledge Base makes search easier and avoid common issues with proper optimization.
Knowledge Bases The Art of Managing Freelance Technical Writers for Your Knowledge Base Hiring in-house technical writers can be tough, so why not support freelancers? Here's how to loop in experts to ensure your Knowledge Base shines.
Knowledge Bases Creating Calm & Consistency With a Knowledge Base Style Guide Learn why carving out time to create a style guide for your Knowledge Base can help you maintain a consistent, on-brand, helpful set of guides for your users.
Announcements June 2023 Product Updates Text editor improvements and a new billing portal are just some improvements this June. Read the full post to see all the updates.
Backpage A Few Life Lessons Mario Kart Items Taught Me There's something relaxing about taking half an hour to sit down and play a bit of Mario Kart. It occurred to me that the items in the game have some hidden meanings.
Support Smarter How to Create a Seamless External and Internal Knowledge Base Experience Creating a great documentation experience for your customers and team is tricky. Here's our insight into how to make it as simple as possible.
Backpage The Curious Case of CSS Selectors and Our Knowledge Base One of our Knowledge Base articles suddenly surged near the top of a highly sought-after keyword. I wondered—was this a bad thing?
Backpage Finding and Forcing My Passion For Interior Design: Part 1 When we turned up to our villa in the Portuguese countryside I realised I had some work to do—especially in the interior.
Announcements April 2023 Product Updates This April we've pushed a bunch of updates to HelpDocs including vast Machine Translation improvements, a new Heap integration, Google Analytics 4 support, and much more!
Support Smarter How To Build & Launch Your First Multilingual Knowledge Base Launching a Multilingual Knowledge Base can be daunting. In this guide, you'll find strategies to ensure customers around the world can help themselves.
Backpage How the Flu Made Me Give Up On My Nomadic Lifestyle Travel had been a major part of my life for years. After a horrible episode of flu, I realised what was important while I recovered.
Support Smarter How to Condense Lots of Information in Your Knowledge Base Articles Are your Knowledge Base articles giving a little too much? Condense them down with these top tips so your readers can digest them properly.
Support Smarter GPT-3 for Technical Writers—Friend or Foe? GPT-3 is a tool that's creating a lot of buzz. How can it be used for technical writers and is it a threat we should be worried about?
Support Smarter A Guide to Creating Your First SaaS Knowledge Base Creating your first Knowledge Base for your SaaS company? It can be tricky, but with these tips & tricks you'll be well on your way to creating stellar self-serve support.
Announcements December 2022 Product Updates Puns are in force this holiday season as we wrap up 2022 with our latest product updates. Cheers to that!
Support Smarter Terrible Hospitality Habits to Ignore For Your Customer Support Dirty glasses, missed housekeeping, and hospitality sentences are too common in hotels. Here's what you can avoid in your own customer support to keep customers happy.
Support Smarter Keeping Calm with Customer Support on the Road Baggage drop-off. Patting down. Running to the train. Travel is so stressful it's tough to keep on top of the ticket queue. Here are some tips from a seasoned traveler on how to travel and stop tickets from piling up.
Announcements June 2022 Product Updates We've introduced a bunch of highly requested features this month. A new writer role, two-factor authentication, local backups, and more.
Support Smarter How to Strive for a More Accessible Knowledge Base Knowledge Bases are jam-packed full of useful information—but can everyone digest it? Dive into how and why to make your Knowledge Base a more accessible destination for customers.
Support Smarter Why Better Sleep Hygiene Can Level Up Your Customer Support We all know sleep is important and all—but why? In this post, I dive into why sleep is crucial not just for general health but specifically for people who work in customer support.
Support Smarter Being More Inclusive In Customer Support Replies We often don't think enough about the way to refer to people in customer support. This can have negative effects on customers without realizing it. Here are some simple tips on how to change this.
Support Smarter Learning to Shorten My Support Ticket Responses Do longer replies mean better customer satisfaction? After reading my co-founder's support ticket replies I wondered—should I shorten time too?
Announcements December 2021 Product Updates To round off 2021 we've shipped big improvements to translation features and better tools for power users.
Support Smarter The Psychology Behind Writing a Readable Knowledge Base Article We delve behind the scenes and in our brains to see how we interpret words and turn them into something we read. We then take a look to see how we can create more readable Knowledge Base articles using this information.