Learning to Treat My Future Self

It all started one rainy morning when I finally made the decision to try making my bed.

I remember waking up feeling a bit sluggish, with the chaos of the world creeping in as I looked around my messy room. I was desperate for my morning caffeine hit.

But then something else hit me. Why don't I try "treating my future self"?

Now, I'm no Marie Kondo, but y'know—I think there's something good about this concept. Treating my future self by making my present self a little pissed off has actually worked wonders for me 😆

I thought, “Why not start my day by creating a little order?”

So, with a couple of deep breaths, I threw off the covers and got to work. As I fluffed my pillows and pulled up the sheets, I felt a surprising sense of accomplishment wash over me. It was like a weight lifted, and suddenly, my room felt less overwhelming.

That small act of making my bed became a daily ritual that set a positive tone for my day.

I noticed that when I took time to tidy up my space, it not only made me feel good in the moment but also created a happier environment for my future self.

Coming back to a made bed at the end of a long day was rewarding and comforting. It served as a gentle reminder that I cared about my well-being, and it encouraged me to keep treating myself with kindness in other areas of my life.

When you're exhausted after a long day, the last thing you want to do is tidy up your space.

By treating my future self, I became more organized, lived in a more stress-free environment that made life easier and more enjoyable. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of treating your future self and offer practical tips on incorporating this method into your daily routine.

Ways I've Started Treating My Future Self

Alright, let’s dive into some of the little ways I’ve been treating my future self—because, trust me, these tweaks have made a world of difference!

One big change I've made is doing my face routine an hour before bed instead of cramming it in right before I hit the hay. It might sound simple, but this gives my skin a chance to soak it all in, and I can slip into bed feeling refreshed and pampered 💆

Another neat trick? I’ve taken to bringing a bottle of water with me when I go for a walk. No more stopping at small supermarkets just to grab a drink (and let’s be real, those convenience store prices can be outrageous!). Now, I have my trusty water bottle in hand, so I stay hydrated without making unnecessary pit stops.

Oh, and let’s talk about my beloved Aeropress! ☕️

I’ve started tidying it up right after I brew my last cup of coffee for the day. This preemptive move saves me from the morning dread of staring at yesterday's coffee mess. Plus, waking up to a clean, ready-to-use setup makes brewing my first cup in the morning so much more enjoyable.

These small shifts have made a huge impact on my daily routine and have helped my future self feel a little more cared for.

The Philosophy of Treating Your Future Self

The concept is simple but profound.

When you take the time to do chores like making the bed, cleaning coffee cups, or folding clothes, you’re actually setting up your future self for success. These small, intentional acts of care can have a big impact on your mental well-being and overall productivity.

Benefits I've Experienced by Treating My Future Self

  • 😌 Reduced Stress: Treating my future self has brought some seriously awesome benefits! I've noticed a huge decrease in stress. Taking a few extra minutes to tidy up or prep for the day ahead creates a manageable and inviting space instead of a chaotic one. It feels like magic!
  • 🧹 Daily Relief: Knowing that I've already taken care of little chores allows me to breathe easy throughout the day. No more last-minute scrambling for my keys or clearing a spot to sit on the couch—everything has its place.
  • ⏰ Increased Productivity: I've found that my productivity has skyrocketed. With less time spent on small tasks, I can focus on what really matters—whether it's work, hobbies, or just enjoying life. Treating my future self has made my days flow smoother, and who doesn’t want a little more ease in their life?
  • 🌈 Enhanced Mood: You know that feeling when you walk into a clean space? It’s like a breath of fresh air! By treating my future self, I’ve noticed my mood lifts considerably. Coming back to a tidy environment just puts me in a good vibe and makes everything feel more manageable.
  • 🛌 Better Sleep: Believe it or not, a bit of tidying before bed has helped my sleep quality. When I wake up to a clutter-free room, I'm not constantly thinking about what I need to tidy up. Instead, I can unwind and relax, letting me drift off to sleep without the mental clutter.
  • 📅 Improved Time Management: Planning ahead by doing small chores saves me precious time in the long run. With everything organized, my mornings don’t feel like a mad dash. I can sip my coffee, enjoy a bit of quiet, and start the day without feeling rushed.
  • 🎉 Increased Sense of Accomplishment: Each little task I do adds up to a big win. Whether it’s folding laundry or making dinner, I get that instant satisfaction of a job well done. It keeps me motivated to keep treating myself well, and honestly, who doesn’t love a good pat on the back?

Turning These Insights into Action

So, you’re probably wondering how you can jump on the treating-your-future-self train, right? It’s actually super simple!

Start by picking one small habit to focus on—something that resonates with you. Maybe it’s making your bed every morning or prepping your lunch the night before. Just one little tweak can lead to big changes, trust me!

Next, set a reminder on your phone or jot it down in your planner. This can help to keep you accountable until it becomes second nature.

Give yourself a few weeks to really embrace this new habit; consistency is key!

And don't forget to celebrate your wins, no matter how small.

Whether it’s a little self-high-five or treating yourself to something nice, acknowledging your efforts will keep the good vibes going. Soon enough, you’ll find that treating your future self isn’t just a nice thought—it’s a great way to live life with intention!