Reality and Expectations

I hit a PR at the gym today. I broke a mental barrier and hit my heaviest deadlift yet. šŸ’Ŗ

It was tough. But I got there. And Iā€™ve been reflecting on how it took patience and having realistic expectations.

A couple of years ago Iā€™d have been happy to lift anything even close to my new PR. I tried of course. Too much too quick. I put my back out as I think all new gym goers do.

Going too heavy too quickly is never going to end well. But while I wanted to keep up with the gym veterans I hadnā€™t really done that kinda thing before. So I quickly found I was out of my depth and hiding my agony.

Iā€™m not telling you about my PR or my gym-based adventures to brag. I mean shit! There are plenty of people who lift far more substantial weight than me. And besides, that's not the point of this post.

> Like. Bruh. Do you even lift?

The point is that hitting a PR after a couple years of daily gym sessions has taught me a lot about how to approach my day-to-day. Or more specifically, how better managing time and setting realistic expectations can serve up a better outcome than going full-on from the start.

And the end result is usually better too! šŸ˜…

The Struggle Is Real

I fixate, truth be told.

Itā€™s a curse.

Itā€™s not a "perfection" thing either. Itā€™s more an ā€œI have to get this finished because Iā€™ve startedā€ kinda thing. And the fact Iā€™m up at 9:30pm working through this draft because ā€œI wanna get it done todayā€ is a testament to that.

Side note: I did not "get it done today"...and that's ok šŸ™ˆ

Setting realistic expectations of my own time is a struggle. While I think of myself as being patient with others, I donā€™t allow myself that same patience. I want to finish what Iā€™ve started almost as soon as Iā€™ve started it.

And if I donā€™t finish within whatever time I allow myself something breaks inside me.

I hate missing deadlines. Even self-imposed ones. I get low. Angry. Frustrated that I wasnā€™t able to keep to my own timetable. This is particularly true of my current role where thereā€™s so much to do.

I wanna do everything. All of it. Right away. And instead of thinking individual tasks in terms of how long theyā€™ll take, I see a challenge. ā€œThese things need to be done this week and I donā€™t care if they should each take a week on their ownā€.

The reality is, by having unrealistic expectations Iā€™m setting myself up to fail. And just like pulling a muscle in my back, the pain can have a knock-on effect.

Expectations In Hindsight

My most recent self-expectation failure was while working on our first Education team whitepaperā€”What is knowledge base software and why should you care?

I havenā€™t written a whitepaper for a long time before last Wednesday. The last one was probably a co-authored/ghostwritten whitepaper back at the start of my full-time freelance days. So a good four years ago, maybe more.

Iā€™d never really done much of the research required in those days either. It was a simple ā€œhereā€™s what we want you to write, go away and write itā€ kinda gig.

Since I was just providing some copy, it wasnā€™t on me to set expectations either. If people give the research, I could knock up a few thousand words pretty quickly within a couple of days.

So of course, in my infinite wisdom I made the incorrect assumption that itā€™d take me a couple days to complete this time around too. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

I hadnā€™t really thought about the task at hand. I hadn't broken it down into its component parts. Ideation; Data researching; Keyword researching; Outlining; Drafting; Editing; Redrafting; Fact-checking; Layout and publishing.

In hindsight, a couple days was a severe underestimation. But even on Thursdayā€” less than a day deep into data researchā€”I was adamant I could finish the draft by the end of the week.

Oh what a fool I was.

And when the inevitable happened at 9:30pm on Friday nightā€”the inevitable being me hitting a mental wall and not having a draft at the end of itā€”the disappointment hit me hard.

Where have I gone wrong?
Why isnā€™t the draft done?
Matt, clearly you suck!

Ah imposter syndrome. Besties forever! šŸ™„

Everyone Has a Bad Week

Iā€™ve no doubt one of the biggest influencers of my imposter syndrome is my social media feed.

It seems thereā€™s no end of people doing amazing things left, right, and centre. Living glamorous lifestyles, working jobs where they donā€™t actually seem to do anything beyond posting to Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Landing book deals, speaking gigs, shipping daily vlogs about how amazing their lives are.

Iā€™m baffled how people have time to build their ā€œpersonal brandā€ in such a powerful way while still doing a good enough job to justify their ridiculously inflated salaries. šŸ¤Æ

All across social media people ship tons and tons of content both in their jobs and to their personal brand without breaking a sweat. Like itā€™s nothing. Week after week after week. Hundreds of videos, blog posts, talks.

Itā€™s not bitterness or jealousy it might be a little bit bitterness and jealousy. But seeing people shipping so much does have a significant knock-on effect to my confidence and self-belief. Mostly because you donā€™t see people having a bad week.

Actually, thatā€™s not strictly true. I did come across one video on LinkedIn a couple days ago which shared a pretty raw potentially staged discussion from someone having a bad week.

Perhaps itā€™s unsurprising I feel inadequate. Like I should be doing a better job.Should I be building my own personal brand too? Where the hell would I find the time?! Ā The reality is that even if people donā€™t wanna admit it, bad weeks happen to everyone. And thatā€™s ok! šŸ˜Š

Letting Myself Off The Hook

Rant over, despite knowing bad weeks happen I still find things linger. Disappointment tends to hang around far longer than Iā€™d want it to.

I beat myself up about things and this was no different. I spent the best part of my weekend with a niggling voice in the back of my head telling me Iā€™d failed. That last week was a write-off. Despite it actually being a pretty decent week šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

In fact, if I thought about it objectively last week was one of the best weeks Iā€™ve had in a long time. Certainly over the past few months.

Yet, one poorly set expectation that led to a missed deadline and I was questioning my entire ability to do a good job. Of course, Iā€™m writing this now in a more positive and reflective mood.

Iā€™d like to write something poetic and brilliant about how my epiphany came to me. As if I reached the top of the last rep of my heaviest deadlift and everything dropped into place.

Ah! Itā€™s not that Iā€™m a failure, itā€™s that I need to get better at setting and managing my own expectations. And be more flexible when it comes to a bad week. ā€œSIX!ā€ I shout as the barbell crashes to the rubber-lined floor.

Itā€™s all in reflection though. Taking the time to actually think about what happened last week and how I couldā€™ve improved. And Iā€™ve realised my output couldnā€™t have improved. Not while keeping my standards. If quantity were to increase, quality would no doubt have suffered.

Instead, I shouldā€™ve taken a look at how long the average whitepaper takes professional writersā€”which ranges from 20 hours to 6 weeks šŸ˜¬ And I Shouldā€™ve set more realistic expectations with that in mind.

I need to work on being less fixated and more accepting of day-to-day fluctuations in my output.

Having taken the time to think and understand what I did ā€œwrongā€ I should remember we all have bad days and bad weeks. Just as we have good days and good weeks.

More than anything, I need to stop beating myself up and be more willing to give myself a break. šŸ˜Š